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Novatec Cyber Security

Online Cyber Security Training

E-Learning Courses

Our Cyber Security training consists of interactive e-learning modules. Order access vouchers in the Store and you will receive them by email. Each participant will receive their personal 30-day access voucher. Upon successful completion of the 11 mandatory courses, graduates will receive their personal Novatec Cyber Security Certificate (NCSCERT). In addition, participants can complete the optional courses.

Demo Online Course

Working safely in public Working safely in public

In this course, your employees will learn what they need to pay attention to in order to be able to work safely in public. Topics covered include shoulder surfing, access protection, internet, VPN, public charging stations and much more.

Information Security Information Security

In this online course the participants acquire the most important basics of information security and hence get an awareness of the dangers and aspects of cyber security.

Data Protection Switzerland Data Protection Switzerland

In this online course the participants get to know the five principles concerning data protection stated in the Swiss Federal Law

Password Security Password Security

In this web-based training the participants get to know all the essentials regarding password protection. It will help you both protect your systems and data from unauthorized access and keep your company from harm.

Safe Working in the Home Office Safe Working in the Home Office

In this online course the participants learn the most important basic rules of data security in the home office and internalize the relevant security measures.

Social Engineering Social Engineering

In this online course the participants are trained to recognize attacks carried out by the manipulation of humans and to act in a appropriate way.

Phishing Phishing

In this online course the participants get prepared for cyber attacks which occur in different means of communication, such as e-mail, texts or phone calls, and learn how to deal with those threats in an appropriate manner.

Surfing the Internet Safely Surfing the Internet Safely

In this online course the participants are made aware of the professional and private use of the internet and its security aspects.

Safe conduct at customer meetings Safe conduct at customer meetings

In this interactive 3D training, you accompany the protagonist Chloe to a customer appointment. Together with Chloe, you will learn how to protect sensitive data through your behaviour, even in unfamiliar environments. In addition to the actual meeting, this WBT also deals with the preparation and follow-up.

CEO Fraud CEO Fraud

In this online course the participants get to know various cheaters tricks, with the focus of CEO-Fraud, which can be prevented easily.

Code of Conduct Code of Conduct

In this course, you will therefore learn about relevant behaviour for your company and your employees. In the course of this training, you will also receive valuable practical tips that will help you to recognise violations and thus avoid them.

Compliance Compliance

In this interactive course, your employees will learn how to behave in compliance with rules and laws and which regulations must be observed in areas such as antitrust law or corruption prevention. You can add your own content to this WBT, such as your company's code of conduct, and thus adapt it to your needs.

Data Classification Data Classification

In this online course the participants learn mandatory behaviour in order to deal with confidential data and information.

Data Protection and IT Security Data Protection and IT Security

In this online course the participants get to know the basics rules of the Swiss legislation (DSG) and the EU guidelines for data security (EU-DSVGO).

Information Security Advanced Information Security Advanced

In this onlie course the participants get to know the biggest danger areas of information security and learn to develop a security awareness which will protect your company or your private environment more efficiently.

New Cyber-Security for Production Staff New Cyber-Security for Production Staff

In this online course the participants learn how to deal with confidential corporate data in order to prevent possible corporate espionage and loss of production.

Secure Use of Social Media Secure Use of Social Media

In this online course the participants learn how to use social media in a safe way, be it in a professional or private context.

Working Remotely Working Remotely

In this online course the participants learn how to protect company-internal data when working in public or outside the company.

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