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Novatec Cyber Security

Online course: Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct reflects the company's values and provides guidance for difficult decisions and correct behavior in critical situations. In this training course, your employees will learn the most important contents of the Code of Conduct, receive valuable practical tips and can consolidate what they have learned in interactive exercises.

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Code of Conduct: Why is this course important?

The Cyber Security course "Code of Conduct" is essential in everyday work as it informs employees on how to act correctly and ethically in various situations. A well-defined Code of Conduct helps create a positive work environment based on integrity, fairness, and responsibility. The course covers a range of areas crucial for adhering to and implementing a Code of Conduct.

Responsibility to the Law
Employees must always comply with applicable laws and regulations. The course explains the importance of legal compliance and the consequences of legal violations. It provides measures to ensure that employees' actions are legal and ethically correct.

Prevention of Corruption
Corruption poses a significant risk to companies. The course shows how employees can recognize and prevent corruption. This includes guidelines on accepting and giving gifts and advantages, as well as training to raise awareness of corruption-prone situations.

Fair Competition
Fair competition is crucial for a company's economic success and reputation. The course covers the principles of fair competition and antitrust compliance. Employees learn how to behave ethically in competitive markets.

Money Laundering
Preventing money laundering is a legal and moral obligation. The course explains the mechanisms and warning signs of money laundering and provides instructions on how employees can recognize and report suspicious activities.

Insider Information
Handling insider information requires special care. The course shows how employees can protect confidential information and prevent the misuse of insider knowledge, which is particularly important for publicly traded companies.

Responsibility to Business Partners and Third Parties
The course covers fair and respectful dealings with business partners and other external parties. This includes transparent business relationships, fair contract negotiations, and adherence to agreements.

Data Protection and Information Security
Protecting personal data and securing company information is of utmost importance. The course teaches best practices for data protection and information security, including the safe handling of data and the prevention of data breaches.

Dealing with Authorities
Proper dealings with authorities and government institutions are essential. The course provides guidelines on how employees should cooperate with regulatory inquiries and audits, while always acting honestly and transparently.

Responsibility to Employees
Employees are the most valuable asset of a company. The course shows how to create a safe and healthy work environment, promote equal opportunities, and prevent discrimination. This includes measures for health and safety at work and the promotion of human and labor rights.

Responsibility to the Company
Employees have a responsibility to protect company property. The course explains how to use company resources responsibly and protect the company’s intellectual property. This also includes appropriate behavior in public to maintain the company’s reputation.

Responsibility to Society
Companies have a social responsibility to society. The course covers how employees can contribute to the common good through ethical behavior and social engagement, including environmental protection and sustainable practices.

The course provides practical assistance and resources for employees who have questions about ethical behavior or specific situations. This includes guidelines for decision-making and contact information for designated points of contact.

Consequences of Violations
Violations of the Code of Conduct can have serious consequences. The course explains the potential disciplinary actions and legal repercussions of not adhering to company policies.

The Cyber Security course "Code of Conduct" is indispensable for all employees to ensure ethical and legally compliant behavior in the workplace. The knowledge and strategies conveyed in the course help minimize the risk of compliance violations and create a positive, trustworthy work environment.

More online courses

In addition to this comprehensive training, we offer a variety of other online courses to improve your professional skills. Our courses cover a wide range of topics. Each course has been developed by industry experts and provides practical knowledge and skills that you can immediately apply to your work.

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